Additional Terms of Use

Last Modified 26 October 2021

  1. Credit report Inquiry is provided by PT Digital Virtue International (“Goodpass”) as part of a community-based character building report for any individual or companies who do not have a credit track record on any financial institutions. Goodpass provided this service on an as-is basis.PT Digital Virtue International (“Goodpass”) will try to verify the validity of the report to the best of its ability, however, the accuracy and the quality of the report lies on the details given by the community reporter.
  2. As an Individual or Company who requested the Credit Inquiry, you understand that the information given on the Credit Report may contain very sensitive and confidential information, hence you are solely responsible to keep the information strictly confidential to you, and for the use of credit report character assessment only.
    After inquiring about the information, you may not :        

    • Make a copy, make a screenshot, take a picture, alter, modify, or any other duplication activities, other than the information that PT Digital Virtue International (“Goodpass”) has provided to you.
    • You may not share, make it public, or tell information about the individuals/companies to other parties, other than for yourself.
  3. Failure to comply with the rules. 2, could risk yourself being subject to criminal prosecution under the UU ITE, or Confidential Information Act.

  4. PT Digital Virtue International (“Goodpass”) will not be responsible for any misuse of information provided to you by the use of this Credit Report Inquiry feature.

  5. You have read, understood and agreed to comply with Virtue Terms of Use in this Credit Report Request feature.