Say no more to awkward conversation!

Track all your loan reports in a single page, know how much is your overall account receivables, ask repayment without any awkward conversation and get notified when a loan is paid!

Why choose us?

Goodpass is a community based credit reporting application. It means, the more we contribute, the better it benefits our communities. However, we curated a specific use case that specifically benefits you (as Reporter), on why you should always file a loan report on the platform.

SMS & Email Reminder

a 3rd party SMS and Email reminder will help you ask for repayment without any awkward conversation

Legal witness in court

Goodpass as a 3rd party eyewitness of your commitment contract, can serve to be both of your eyewitness in court.

Community Notification (Beta)

Get notified when one of your portfolio, kept borrowing money to someone else, while not paying

Report published to Data Center

All your reports (once we have verified it), will be published to the data centre. It will be used as reference to the financial institution to make decisions. It also applies pressure to your family and friends to reconsider, not paying you back.

Contact our collection team

If none of the above works, and it's pretty difficult to get your money back. We can help by introducing you to our network of collection teams across different cities. Our representative will help and get you introduced into their communities!

Simple and free to use

Goodpass app is always a free application. But for us to help you remind your friend / families about their upcoming loan due, there's a small fee that we use to cover our operation. But don't worry!, for the first report that you file, we will give you 50 Credits that you can use to send SMS and Email reminders!

Loan Tracker

Track all your account receivables

Track all your friends & families’s loan, or your account receivables, in a single screen.  Get notified when a loan is due, process or if you want to restructure for different method.

Reminder & Notification

Let us remind your friend & families

When a loan is about to due, we will send an SMS and Email reminder to your friends & families. We will also remind them when their loan is already late at a certain period. We’ll keep reminding them until they fulfil their commitment to you.

Goodpass score (GP Score)

Earn good GPScore to get access to higher level funding from professional institution

GP Score is well adopted by major financial institutions around the globe, and being used as an alternative reference from the formal credit score produced by the Financial Authority & Regulation. Maintaining a good standing of your GP Score ensures you to get easier access to another level of financing, from banks, investment banking, or venture capitalist.

Based on 420K reviews
"Using Goodpass, i can be sure that my relative will always be reminded that they still have a loan to me, without me telling them directly. One day when they have the wealth they will pay me back, rest assured"
Dewi kartika (Deka)
"My longtime gone friend who owed me a large sum of money suddenly contacted me after i put her details on Goodpass. Stating that she has difficulties to apply for Financial Institution. Now she already paid what she owed me, and she can now move on with her finance. Goodpass helps me a lot!"
Sandra kurnia dewi
I used to borrow money from my friends and families, and had always paid them in full and on-time. I did not realise that they put my details on Goodpass, and because of that, i have a good standing credit score. Now i already get a financing from a BPR to expand my fisheries business, thank you Goodpass!"
"When we run instant approval at Koinworks, many of the applicants does not have a credit report. Only 60% of them are registered within the Government's SLIK, so around 40% are not covered. Now after integrating with Goodpass, we can cover most of the applicants, and only 5-10% are not covered, it's a great tools for our growth! "
noviyanto ewanjaya
Senior PM in Koinworks
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